Christiaan's viral YouTube video! (... well for a jazz video...)

With 2018 Christiaan has started to put more effort in sharing his knowledge via YouTube so expertise is within reach for everyone who wants to learn!

He creates educational video's and shares them on YouTube, helping people to build their jazz skills. Go check out his channel here

One of the latest video's discusses the skills you need to become a jazz pro and it has gone viral!!!!! Over 40K views within two weeks is quite a thrill! This also means that a lot of new people recently discovered his channel. Sharing the popular video on this page just once more, just in case you missed it ...!

Feel like supporting his educational work and you have a few bucks to share? You can show your appreciation by becoming a patron and get access to patron exclusives and receive Christiaan's ultimate gratitude (telepathically if you wish..)

Jacqueline van Schaik